Dr. Wilfong's main responsibilities include curriculum and assessment development. A key part of this is data analysis including support to administrators, teachers, and staff in understanding and interpreting data. Other critical areas of responsibility include program evaluation, and leading initiatives to improve student achievement.

Shelly Wilfong, Ph.D.
Shelly is the Assistant Superintendent of Wawasee Community School Corporation in Syracuse, IN. She has been in education for 28 years. Prior to her current role, she spent 19 years in the classroom before moving into high school and central office administration.

Ikigai "Ike" Wilfong
Ike is currently a therapy dog drop out due to his aggressively friendly attitude. He has so much joy and excitement he can't help himself! He loves kids, adults, dogs... really any creature that he thinks might want to play with him.
Degrees and Certifications
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership, Indiana State University, January 2021
Dissertation: Foundational Elements of Mattering for K-12 Teachers
Master of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Indiana Wesleyan University, November 1998
Bachelor of Science Degree, Cum Laude, Huntington College, Huntington, IN, May 1994
Major: History
Teaching certification areas: Government, Sociology, U.S. History, World Civilization, and Geography
District Level Administration License, Indiana, P - 12
Building Level Administration License, Indiana, P - 12
Social Studies Teacher License, Indiana, 5 - 12
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, Adolescent and Young Adulthood – Social Studies / History, November 2000
Current position
Assistant Superintendent, Wawasee Community School Corporation, 2021 to present
Previous Experience
Chief Analytics Officer, Warsaw Community Schools (2017 to 2021)
Assistant Principal, Middlebury Community Schools (2013 - 2017)
Northridge High School, Middlebury Community Schools
Teacher, Goshen Community Schools (1994-2013)
● Social studies teacher
● International Baccalaureate diploma program coordinator
● Teaching American History project director
● Data specialist (high school)
● Teacher on Special Assignment, Assistant Principal, Model Elementary
● AP and Dual credit teacher - Indiana University and Vincennes University
● District High Ability coordinator
Goshen College (2009 - 2013)
● Adjunct professor, Goshen College, Department of Nursing (20th Century History)
● Cooperating/Supervising teacher , Department of Education
NCATE/CAEP Board of Examiner / Site Visitor
2021. Nov 1. Wilfong, S. and Donlan, R. How Mattering Matters for Educators. Educational Leadership. ASCD 79(3): 51-56. https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/how-mattering-matters-for-educators
2021. Wilfong, S. Monitoring Student Groups: Identifying and addressing achievement gaps. Increasing Equity and Empowering Change Playbook, Illuminate Education (p. 22-24).
2006. Wilfong, S. Using Data to Assist with Instruction and School Decision Making. In Kirkton, J., & Lederach, P. (Ed.) Building a School of One: One School’s Journey (pp. 99-102)
2021. Wilfong, S. & Donlan R. "Why Mattering Matters: What teachers need from other adults to survive and thrive in the classroom." Indiana Association of School Principals (IASP), Indianapolis, IN.
2020. Wilfong, S. “The Head and Heart of Data." Disrupt the Prediction, Illuminate Webinar Series.
2010. Wilfong, S. “Using open-source software to bring technology tools to teachers." International Baccalaureate Organization Americas Conference. Cancun, Mexico
2009. Wilfong, S. “Using open-source software to bring technology tools to teachers." ASCD Annual Conference, Miami, FL
National Public Radio
2003, March 6. Guest Panelist, National Public Radio (NPR)Analysis: Young people expressing a variety of opinions and concerns about a possible war with Iraq. Talk of the Nation. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A162136162/SCIC?u=indianastateuniv&sid=SCIC&xid=5b6bc91c
2000. Guest Panelist, National Public Radio (NPR) Talk of the Nation. Students and the Presidential Election
Professional Development
New Teacher / Mentor Training
Mentor Faculty Trainer Certification, Mentor Teacher Certification, New/Beginning teacher mentor program, new teacher portfolio scorers training
National Board Certification
Keys to Success Cadre (Teacher Quality Center) and presentations to several schools on National Board Certification process
Curriculum and Instruction
SIOP: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol, CALLA / English as a New Language Training, Action Research (TARGET program), Kingore Observation Protocol, Cultural Diversity Training, Positive Classroom Discipline / Positive Classroom Instruction
School Safety
School Safety Specialist Academy (IDOE)
Primary writer for the following successful Grants:
Teaching American History (USDOE) $300,000, Smaller Learning Communities (USDOE) $350,000, INACCESS Technology (INDOE)
Grant reviewer/scorer
Advanced Placement Incentive Program (USDOE), Gulf Coast Recovery Grant (USDOE), Smaller Learning Communities (USDOE)
Teacher Leadership
AdvancEd accreditation co-chair, Action Research mentor (TARGET Research program), facilitator for cultural diversity training, technology department leader
Current Professional Affiliations
ASCD, NASSP (National Association of Secondary School Principals), AASA (American Association of School Administrators)
Awards and honors
Anthem Angel (Indianapolis Colts), Community Quarterback Award (Indianapolis Colts), Fire Officer of the Year (Elkhart Township Fire Department), Foreign Policy Teachers’ Forum (US Department of State), Disney Teacher Awards evaluator, Supreme Court Summer Institute (Supreme Court Historical Society), VFW High School Citizenship Education Teacher Award of Excellence, Citizens Police Academy (Goshen Police Department)
Guest on National Public Radio (NPR): Students and the Presidential Election (Talk of the Nation); and Youth and War (Talk of the Nation)
Contributor to the book Building a School of One: One School’s Journey, chapter 10 and graphs/charts throughout
ASCD National Conference and IB Americas Conference presenter on utilizing open source software
Other Community Involvement
Elkhart Township Fire Department, 1994-2013
Captain, Lieutenant, Firefighter I/II, EMT, Fire Instructor Level III
Elkhart County 4-H Fair, 2005-2010 and 2020 to present
Board Member: History Museum, Disabilities Day